So this was my first attempt at the "direct to rubber" technique I had learned at the class I took on my own. One catch of course since I can't do it like I'm told was that I wanted to use one of my clear stamps!
After many failed attempts at this with beading twinks all over my stamp but no solid image, I was going to give up when I was in "The Cutting Garden" down the street from me where they sell mostly clear stamps and hardly any rubber at all and mentioned it to her. The solution she came up with is so simple and genius!! All I had to do was ink my image with versamark first and then apply the twinks over the versa onto the stamp!! :)
Not sure I'm in love with this card as a matter of fact I was actually a little disappointed with my end layout... by the time I got to that stage I just wanted to be done with this. Either way, now I can actually do this without losing my mind!! :)